This is one of the best Instagram Grid Layouts, however you need to watch out that you don’t annoy your existing followers. Instagram grid layout #2: Horizontal Lines No matter how you do it, tiles, otherwise known as ‘checkerboards’ can be used in a variety of ways. Other IG influencers opt to use variations of colors to tile their feeds, for example, every second image might be white, or have lots more white space, alternating with a ‘busier’ image. One of the most popular ones is to post a photo and a quote one after the other like this example. There are many ways to tile your Instagram posts, some of them are really obvious like this feed by BossBabe.Inc Just like your floor tiles at home, here’s where you can alternate posts one after the other! Here’s a breakdown of 7 structured ways you can layout your Instagram feed to keep it visually exciting, organized, and beautifully you! Instagram grid layout #1: Checkerboard 8 Instagram Grid Layouts You Can Try For Yourself Save your sanity, put a structure in place to ensure you can keep your consistency up.

You may have mastered the art of flatlays and filters, but let’s keep it mind that it is the entirety of your gallery is more important than individual posts it is where all the juicy parts of your profile are, like the FOLLOW and CONTACT buttons! We’ve also snuck in a great resource to a PSD template if you want to try perhaps the trickiest one of the bunch Having a set routine of what to post definitely changed my relationship with Instagram and if you’re feeling this way at the moment, here are 7 interesting, creative ways to play with your own Instagram Grid Layouts! However, once I discovered the concept of Instagram grid layouts I felt like a whole new person! ‘Structure will set you free!’, something someone special (and frustratingly right, gah!) said to me as I threw a tantrum about not knowing what to post on Instagram. Ready to think outside the square and refresh your feed?.Instagram grid #15: The photographer’s grid.Instagram grid #14: The storyteller’s grid.Instagram grid #13: The educational grid.Instagram layout #10: The strategic grid.Instagram layout #9:The alternating color scheme.Instagram layout #7:’Across-the-Grid’ with BONUS PSD download!.Instagram grid layout #6: White Borders.(For the ultimately consistent in Instagram grid layouts!)